60 to 80
Just numbers on the way to 100%. 60 is a just a little more than halfway. 80 seems almost all the way there. And before you hang your hat on whether 60 is half empty and 80 is half full - these are more than just digits to my husband and I. These are percentages corresponding with our chances of giving birth to a live baby - 60-80% (if I don't stroke first). Not a full term baby - a live one. Our perinatologist's version of "success" is a breathing baby, no matter the possible long term health/financial/emotional implications of birth to a 24 weeker. Of course, the peri said with a smile on his face, assuming survival - your child is "likely" to need medical intervention, but it probably will all work out "OK". After doing some soul searching, we've decided that "OK" is what something is when you just don't know how to make it better.
Our doctor may not know, but we do. Over the next couple of months, our paperwork to adopt will be on its way to China. After four years of crushed hopes, invasive treatment, multiple miscarriages and a loss of faith, adoption brings us a very welcome well of hope. It's likely our daughter will be a little over a year old when we finally meet her. And, having spent her young life in an orphanage, she'll probably just be "OK" when we hold her for the first time. But, as our eyes meet and we become a family, I know that together we'll find a way - to turn "OK" into "Great".
I think that what you and your husband are doing is absolutely fantastic! I have a couple of friends who also, after many years of trying to conceive, decided to adopt. They now have a beautiful baby boy from Angola and they live in bliss!
Fantastic for you!
We have friends that adopted from China and are so happy with their little girl.
Best of luck with the new decision!!!
That's fabulous! My boss adopted after many years of trying to have a baby. They have a beautiful little girl that they saved from poverty. Best of luck to you!
Happy Thoughts!!!
It is awesome that you are going to adopt a precious little being and give her the world. As a young teen I experienced the world of adoption. I was able to bring joy to someone else's life who could not conceive. And I have also seen the receiving end as a person in my office had adopted a child at 3 days of age. I am thankful that I have been able to experience both ends. It is a glorious thing. Good Luck!
Usually just a knitting lurker, but I have to tell you how happy I am for you that you have made this difficult decision. Congrats on begining the process! If you are not already familar with the Naked Ovary, Shelba, and other Killer Lady Bugs (china adoptions) blogs--do so post haste! Oooh and just think of the awesome knitting for your little girl you get to do while you wait!! Hey! I know why don't you do a twist on the 1,000 good wishes quilt that many adoptive moms do with fabric but instead do it with yarn! Let us knit swatches to welcome her to your family :)
You've reached a milestone. What a lucky baby (babies) to have you for parents. I know three people who have arranged adoptions from China, one involved twins, and all very happy experiences. Congratulations on your decision!
Thanks to all of you for your words of encouragement!! A few personal replies to those of you I don't have email addresses for...
toniaknits: It's funny - we don't feel like we are "saving" a child - we feel like it's us whose blessed with a beautiful opportunity.
miss amy: What a courageous decision you made to share a part of yourself with another family. We feel honored that birthparents like you would entrust their child to us to make our "own".
wavybrains: I think the quilt idea is a great one! I don't know if there would be enough interest out there amongst my fellow knitters to come up with enough squares for a quilt, but I'd love to incorporate even just a few to wrap our little one in love. Also, thanks for the blog links - I'll have to check them out!
I'm so happy that you have started the process. I will keep you in my thoughts :o)
Your secret pal
my favourite china-adoption kids' books: Little Miss Ladybug & Her Magical Red Thread by Karen Acres
& Shaoey and Dot : Bug Meets Bundle by Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman
we had planned to adopt...before we had 6 kids. i still think about it. i hope you dont have to wait very long.
What a joyous day it will be,
When a lucky little child becomes your own.
Congratulations on making one of the toughest choices one can face.
~Your Knitting Fairy
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