Wednesday, August 09, 2006

21 Again

Some years ago (ok, more than some), my hubby and I made the rash decision to pack up our stuff, jump in a car, and move across the country for me to go to school. Chalk it up to the impetuousness of youth - we'd never been there before - just chose the school based on the program's reputation and pretty pictures in a brochure. We had no jobs, not much money, and no place to live. It was one of the most terrifying, yet satisfying, things we've ever survived (and at the time, we swore we'd never do it again).

Funny how things come 'round full circle....hubby and I are thinking about it once more. An opportunity for change has presented itself, and it would mean a leap of faith, of reason, a tossing into the air of pretty much everything we've ever known. So, now we weigh the choices... could we? vs. should we? vs. hell yes.

If you had an opportunity to move to a foreign country, away from everything and everyone familiar to you, would you?


At 4:53 PM, Blogger Sarah said...


Especially if the company was going to pay for the trip to parts unknown. So much easier to move to a new country if you don't have to worry ALL about what is here!

I would move in an instant!

Good luck with your decision.

At 5:42 PM, Blogger C+SK said...

Yes! I've done it twice in ten years.

The first time was from Portugal to England and I was 22. On my own, different language, different people. It was the best decision I ever made.

Five years later, I made the leap again. I moved from England (after a 3 month stay in Egypt) to the USA. I have to say it was harder this time, but I miss(ed) London and that made it difficult. I wasn't alone ( I knew my husband, then barely boyfriend) and that helped.

And now my husband and I talk constantly of moving again, either Europe or Down-Under. It does wonders for one's soul. And as I always say, if you don't like it, you can always come back to what you know!

Go for it!

At 6:48 PM, Blogger chanceofbooks said...

I live in what might as well be another country. :) I live over 2,000 miles from the nearest family member, and I moved here knowing no one 3 years ago. Then my now-husband joined me, and then I met people, and heck yah, I'd do it again. And a REAL forgein country? Absolutely. Get thee some language tapes and get packing.

At 7:41 PM, Blogger Heather said...

I would have left yesterday. We talk about moving to Canada all the time. The only thing really that is keeping me here is the kids in high school. When they move out, all bets are off.

At 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't give it a second thought.... I would already be there!

At 6:18 PM, Blogger Meg said...

Hi! I've moved to new countries twice. My advice is to be ready for the full gamut of emotion - there is the initial elation of arrival and getting to know somewhere new. But that is followed by a long period of loneliness (you have to make all new friends and it takes a long time to make Real Friends, not just acquaintances), frustration (if you have difficulty finding work, learning the language, or getting into the swing of how people socialise in your new home), and eventually (hopefully!) you come through the tunnel and gain a sense of 'home' in your new country. However, no matter how much you feel at home, there may still be others who view you as an outsider, which can be mildly irritating at first, or downright aggravating after a long time!
I would say that the first time I moved countries, I didn't see the light at the end of the tunnel for about 9 months. The second time I moved, it was more like 2 or 3 years. Might have taken longer because I was more committed to staying (there was a boy involved) or because it was so much further away from my roots.
Anyway, I'll shut up for now! but would be glad to offer more thoughts if you want to email me.

At 6:17 AM, Blogger seal said...

at this point in my life, yes. but there were cetainly times when i wouldn't have considered it. how exciting, though! good luck with whatever you decide.

At 9:00 PM, Blogger PURLPOWER said...

You asked about the blue cardi on my blog. Here's the details:

The pattern is called 'Bella'. It's a Kim Hargreaves design for Rowan and was printed in a booklet called 'It's a tape thing' which is now out of print. You may find copies on Ebay or be able to buy them from shops with stock still.

Here is a link to a British company which is selling the patterns individually when you purchase cotton tape yarn.

Good luck and thanks for stopping by my blog.

At 8:18 AM, Blogger Life's a Stitch said...

We moved from the uS to Canada 24 years ago. It was an adventure despite the countries being right next to each other. I might do it again, but you always have those "What have I done" moments afterwards.

Choose wisely,

At 6:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a heartbeat. And if DC counts as a foreign country (sometimes it feel like it is) I've already done it. :)

At 12:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HELL yeah! I have moved countries (i am counting now)5 times, and would do it again if the opportunity presented itself. Currently I live 3000 miles from any family, but there is always the option of creating a family of friends wherever you are, and visiting family in between times.

Adventures are a great part of life!

At 5:13 PM, Blogger Shelby said...

Yes!! I would absolutely love the chance! 2 months after our wedding we packed up and moved to Maryland, because I had a job offer. We were so unsure, but it has been everything we hoped for and more! Even though we're only 7 hours from home now, I wouldn't mind being further! Especially if it was in a place that had great wine! ;)

At 8:03 PM, Blogger Heidi said...

I would have been afraid when I was younger, but now that I'm older and wiser, I definitely would. There are pros of being near family when you start having kids, but otherwise I think there are just too many benefits of seeing the world to not go for it! Good luck with your decision. I can't wait to hear the details!

At 11:44 PM, Blogger Heather said...

absolutely! but i never wanted to live my life stateside. i expected to live overseas. i would love for my kids to go half the places my husband and i have been. my only concern would be how would it effect your adoption hopes? more case studies? different laws? if it did not pose any threat, then i would pack, sell stuff off, and go. BTW- the knit backwards is not as hard as it sounds!


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